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Yesterday I went to pick up my tickets that I purchased online (with the help of Mike) from the Automated Ticket Robot, and here is a documentary of it. Click here to start documentary.
While the tickets were printing I had the same feeling of excitement I felt back in 1999 when Episode 1 came out, I just KNOW this time the movie will be much much better. These tickets are for the Midnight showing on the 18th ONE day before the official day. I am planning on seeing it again the day of the 19th to see any details I may have missed the night before, and to RUIN it for others that have not seen it. I will be the one in the theater YELLING stuff that is about to happen to RUIN it for others... well I might not... but it would be funny if I did. Here is my Tickets from Episode 1 back in 1999

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Having the tickets in my hot little hand makes it seem like the day will never come! GAWD darn IT.