HelpFarm Frog
Monday, 18 September 2006

Taun Taun Jedi

This weekend I was watching my new dvd's of the Original Unaltered Star Wars Trilogy and noticed something in Return of the Jedi that I never noticed before.  The scene where Leia frees Han Solo from Carbonite, I noticed a Taun Taun Head on the left hand side of the wall.  You can see in the above picture, that it looks like it is some type of hunting trophy. I can not seem to make out what the other creature is on the right hand side, maybe you can.  I looked at the same scene in the remastered Jedi and could not make out the Taun Taun as well.  I am glad to see I can still notice new things in these old movies.  Here is a screen capture of the scene that I am talking about.

Click image for Large Size

Bust out those DVD's to see what I am TALKING ABOUT!



Monday, 18 September 2006 21:53:54 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00) | Comments [581] | Star Wars#
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