In the beginning of the summer Surplus Computers had their 5TH Annual Parking Lot sale and I went by to check out what they had. They had LOADS of Tech NERDZ looking through PILES and PILES of busted desktops and TONS out of date tech gear. They did have some gear that was nice, like USB 2.0 2.5 laptop drive external cases for $15.99. On Sept. 25th they will have their end of summer 6TH Annual Parking Lot sale and I think me and a couple of my robot friends are going to go and check out the junk they have, and also watch all the Hip-pack wearing, inhaler breathing, Tri Coder using, Windows vs. Unix crying, windows vs. Mac tearing, Star wars vs. Star Trek debating people walking around. This time I hope to get a $1.00 Hot Dog and Coke when I am there. Here are some pictures from the one in May of 2004
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4