There once was a bird named Pancho, who lived in a southwest desert. He was walking home one day and saw a small kitten by the side of the road. The kitten asked Pancho if he had any water, and told him he had not had any in three days. Pancho told the kitten that he did not have any with him and kept walking. When Pancho got home, he thought of that kitten and went and got a big water bucket. He filled it with ice cold water and started on his way back to see the kitten. As he approached the kitten he asked him (with bucket in hand), have you ever wished it would pore rain when you are so thirsty? The kitten said "Oh YES I was thinking that all day!". Then Pancho with big smile said, well your dream is going to come true, and threw the water in the sky. Pancho then said, nice rain fall this year...
by: Joey Ramirez 2005