A couple of months ago I went to Las Vegas for a family wedding, the wedding was really nice and fun. Vegas on the other hand was…eeh ok. Here are some highlights from the trip. Here is a picture of a 4D movie that I did not see but might have if I had others to see this with. Nobody else really wanted to see this… I guess Sys Admins are the only ones that get a kick out of Piratez.

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Here is the closest thing I could find to something of Star Wars… I wonder if George knows about this… HE SHOULD SUE and get his CA$H he is entitled to.

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Next is my visit to the Hilton, I am not a Star Trek fan ( I do love the 70’s TV show… but those don’t count to be a true Trekkie) but I am glad to see some cool sci-fi stuff. Here is a picture of the Enterprise at the Hilton.

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Finally this is a picture of me in a fight with a Gorn… you know I won cause of my LaserSword.

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