Monday, 18 September 2006 |

This weekend I was watching my new dvd's of the Original Unaltered Star Wars Trilogy and noticed something in Return of the Jedi that I never noticed before. The scene where Leia frees Han Solo from Carbonite, I noticed a Taun Taun Head on the left hand side of the wall. You can see in the above picture, that it looks like it is some type of hunting trophy. I can not seem to make out what the other creature is on the right hand side, maybe you can. I looked at the same scene in the remastered Jedi and could not make out the Taun Taun as well. I am glad to see I can still notice new things in these old movies. Here is a screen capture of the scene that I am talking about.
Click image for Large Size
Bust out those DVD's to see what I am TALKING ABOUT!
Monday, 18 September 2006 21:53:54 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00) | | Star Wars
Friday, 15 September 2006 |

I am sure you already know about the little Spinach issue that is happening in the US, but did you ever think how much of a hurtin that our old friend Popeye is having. I bet his is sitting on the the john with both hands grabbing the seat (sweating and blowing his corn cobb pipe) hateing life right now.
Link to Article on NYTIMES.COM
PDF of Article: popeye_spinach.pdf (93.57 KB)
Friday, 15 September 2006 16:33:29 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00) | | Funny
Monday, 11 September 2006 |

Finally we get a digital versions of the Original Unaltered Star Wars Trilogy on DVD! Yes, there were digital versions of the OG Star Wars movies on Laser Disk, BUT we had to flip the DVD’s every so often or wait for the disk to "auto" flip which RUINED it. But now we get to watch them without interruption. These are not the COOLEST DVD's but they will do. George is one Stubborn dude, not wanting to release the original versions so he made us PAY. He took the fans cries too technically, here is how I think Georges conversation went in his mind...
GEORGE LUCAS: "Hummm, so the FANS want the movies the way they were in 1977, 1980, and 1983...ahhh. OK so I will release them like they were, no new CG, no *Han Shoots first*, no new Palpatine hologram, no Haden C at the end of Jedi Ect. OH yeah, I can't forget to make SURE it is STEREO 2.0 LIKE IT WAS BACK THEN, and I will not remaster every frame like I did on the last DVD's, I would NOT want to ALTER it.. hehehhe CHUMP ass Fans YOU will PAY the PRICE for your LACK of VISION!" hahahahaha CHAAAACHING$$$$$$$.
At least we get the movies UNRUINED.
GO OUT and GIT your DVD'S!!!
Monday, 11 September 2006 20:59:27 (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-07:00) | | Star Wars
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