I took some pictures the week ROCK BAND came out, but never posted them.
Here they are.
First off, this might look like a NORMAL display setup BUTT it has been

It looks like the kids that tried these out, didn't FEEL like they were accurate
and showed them who was boss.

Here is a close up of the damage, it looks like there is blood, but it was
some kind of punch or candy... I wasn't gonna try it for myself.
I can just imagin these kids getting all steamed up from the screen saying
"FAILED!!!" over and over and over again. I bet this is why busted up
the controller.

I didn't get a picture of the busted bass pedal, but I will let you
use your imagination on what it looked like. OH YEAH, the arrow is
pointing to the wire that the controller USE to use.
These kids RULED!